نظرة حياء

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

نظرة حياء عالمي


    نظرة حياء
    نظرة حياء
    مديرة المنتدى
    مديرة المنتدى

    عدد المساهمات : 319
    نقاط : 227894
    تاريخ التسجيل : 24/08/2013
    العمر : 45
    الموقع : https://nazrt7ia.forumarabia.com/

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    مُساهمة من طرف نظرة حياء الثلاثاء أكتوبر 20, 2020 9:31 am

    Title2: مفهوم علم النفس 

    تعريف علم النفس 

    | كلمة علم النفس مشتقة من الكلمة اليونانية (نفسية) والجواب عن الروح أو العقل وكلمة (لوغوس) تعني العلم ، وهذا يعني ربط علم النفس في البداية بالفكر اليوناني منذ القرن الخامس.

    علم النفس:
    هو علم يدرس السلوك سواء كان هذا السلوك ظاهرًا أو باطنًا. إنه يدرس التصرفات الظاهرة التي يقوم بها الفرد مثل التفكير والسلوك والخيال وأنا 

    علم النفس المهتمين بدراسة سلوك الإنسان والحيوان ، حيث يتم تعريف السلوك على أنه كل 

    نشاط يقوم به الكائن الحي نتيجة تفاعله مع الظروف البيئية المحيطة به علم النفس: هو علم منظم حديث ، وفي نفس الوقت قديم في موضوعه.

    أهم مجالات دراسة السلوك: 

    ( السلوك العقلي : هو النشاط العقلي الذي يميز الإنسان عن الكائنات الأخرى 

    .. السلوك العاطفي : ما يشعر به كل إنسان من ضمير وانفعالات وانفعالات.
     . السلوك الحركي هو كل ما يصدر عن الإنسان من أفعال وحركات وكلام ... إلخ ، قد يصدر من سلوك بشري ظاهر يتم رصده ومراقبته وتفسيره.

    مدارس الأفكار

    على مدار تاريخ علم النفس ، تشكل عدد من المدارس الفكرية المختلفة لشرح الفكر والسلوك البشري. غالبًا ما تصعد مدارس الفكر هذه إلى الهيمنة لفترة من الزمن. بينما يُنظر أحيانًا إلى مدارس الفكر هذه على أنها قوى متنافسة ، فقد ساهم كل منظور في فهمنا لعلم النفس.
     فيما يلي بعض المدارس الفكرية الرئيسية في علم النفس
    التحليل النفسي 

    علم النفس مجال واسع ومتنوع. ظهر عدد من الحقول الفرعية ومجالات التخصص المختلفة. فيما يلي بعض المجالات الرئيسية للبحث والتطبيق في علم النفس.
    Objective of Psychology
    Psychology aims to detect foundations which human behavior based on it, it also aims to know basic laws that govern behavior in order to help human the proper compatibility with itself and with others around him to achieve his mental health.

    We summarized the most important Objectives of psychology Objectives of Psychology follows:

    psychological phenomena itself and other phenomena. This is donen following the scientific method based on accurate scientific observation by researchers use appropriate statistical methods.

    Understanding:refers to the understanding of the relationship between experience the exact measurement tools using fixed and 
    true, also researchers use appropriate statistical methods

    Control: Refers to conditions that control the occurrence of psychological phenomenon, and
    control the factors affecting them to achieve forai reaching to particular purpose. In experimental approach the control refer to ability of researcher to control the independent variables in order to know its impact on the dependent variables.
    Prediction It aims to find out the basic relations between stimuli and responses, and whenever diversified stimuli decreased predictions. accuracy of predictions
    Could be saying that modern psychology has cognitive objectives and

     applied objectives

    Cognitive Objectives) represented following
    Researchers will study the various aspects of human behavior and animal, t the individual and group levels.
    2-"Detect different aspects of behavior, measure and identify the effect of different factors whether they environmental or genetic.
    2.Applied Objectives:
    Is to take advantage of psychology and employ its professional areas, such as educational, therapeutic results for serve psychology, military, industrial, and consultant psychology. that the applied objectives of psychology in various life and Can professional areas and

    through it can predict and control behavior.
    Fields of Psychology)
    Psychology interest in studying behavior and includes the following .
    1-Study of the motives (study of the forces that cause the human behavior).
    2 Study of emotions and emotional manifestations of humans.
    3. Study of mental abilities, intelligence and creativity. topics: 4Study development behavior and its development through the stages of age.
    5.) Study to find out how to keep, develop mental health and trea its deviations

    6. Study factors that affect behavior such as genetics and environment factors Study of human personality and characteristics.
    8. Study of individual and
    9.) Study Psychological Measurement.
    10, Study of animal behavior. its dimensions pue group differences.
    Title 3:Psychological Schools
    great classical theories of psychology. Each of them has been highly influential, however most psychologists hold with eclectic viewpoints which combine all aspects of each school.
    Importance of General Psychology General

    psychology is important in a lot of different ways, for instance there have been a large number of studies conducted on various illnesses. Through studying it, to better understand and determine how the mind and body of an individual works. It also helps by those ways as the following:
    1-To handle things in life.
    2-To face challenges and problems that occur at an unexpected time. 3-To take decisions in everyday life.
    Many do scientific research on a wide range of topics related mental processes and behavior, and typically work in university psychology departments or teach in other academic şettings (e.g., medical schools, hospitals). Some

    are employed in_industrial and organizational settings, or in other areas, such as human development and aging, sports, health, and the media, as well as in forensic investigation and other aspects of law.
    Anorexia Nervosa
    Anorexia Nid eating disorder most common in adolescent females characterized by weight less than 85% of normal, abnormally restrictive food consumption, and an unrealistic body image.
    Adaptive Stage
    Is the last stage through which the disabled person reach to

    recognition of disability and in this stage the disabled person continues to work for himself and for his society. Ja desirs
    Affiliation Motive
    The need to be with others; is aroused when people feel threatened, anxious, or celebratory.
    Reaction to some substance may be cause rashes, swelling sneezing, or other reactions.
    Are specialized proteins involved in defending the body from antigens (foreign invaders). One way antibodies destroy antigens by
    immobilizing them, so that they can be destroyed by white blood cells
    Is the transformation of anti- sentimental, it is the process of usne self mental energy to control the depressed feelings motive, such as ue individual turning from love to hate
    Is a sense of panic and fear of not clear danger different from the fear; the fear is a response to clear stimuli. or threat. It is different from the fear the fear is a response to clear stimuli
    It is a loss of speech created from emotional or laryngeal disorders
    Community Mental Health
    AX Approach of mental health that emphasizes the prevention of mental illness and the need for broader and more effective mental health services based within communities including community support systems
    It is a simultaneous work, or mutual or conflicting desires, or, Resulting from presence of tow needs can not satisfy them at one time, and lead to emotional stress, anxiety, personality disorder. jiala


    Psychological configuration is represented the ability to exercise moral self-regulation, which leads to sense of remorse to the inconsistent work with the values and ethics
    Dramatic Play
    A form of play where the child imitates other people
    Early Childhood
    It is the period from birth until the age of nine years
    Routing strategy used by teachers to identify the efforts of the Child and improvements that show it
    Is a defensive mechanism, in which the individual escapes from the réality that not fulfills its desires and, inclinations into a world of imagination to build his daydream and hope in the fantasy.
    An unpleasant state of tension engendered by being Mocked, from attaining a goal or gratification also, the process of blocking motivated behavior; also the emotional response to blocking the goal.


    Term, refer to direct and indirect actions used by an adult to help 
    children develop socially acceptable behavior.

    Branches of Psychology 
    :Branches of Psychology,
    A Modern Psychology has become more extensive and widespread, and entered into in each cognitive or professional activity of human. There are two attitudes of psychology, are:

    First: Science branches or basic cognitive branches.

    Second: applied professional branches associated with different of life fields. Following table shows the branches of General Psychology

    Basic Cognitive Branches

    General Psychology
     Physiological Psychology(Biological Psychology
     Social Psychology
     Experimental psychology
     Developmental Psychology
     Abnormal psychology
    Individual differences Psychology
     Animal Psychology 
     Psychology of Personality

    Professional Applied Basic

     Industrial Psychology
    Administrative - Organizational 
    Trading Psychology
     Clinical Psychology
     Military Psychology 
     Criminal Psychology
    Educational Psychology
     Counciling Psychology 
     Health Psychology
    Comparative Psychology
     Cognitive Psychology
     Forensic Psychology 
    School Psychology
    Basic Cognitive Branches

    1.General Psychology:

    Is study principles and laws in order to reach the psychological
    foundations that explain human behavior, the most important issues which studied by General Psychology are: Motives, emotions, abilities, intelligence, thinking, and personality.
    .Social Psychology
    Is a discipline that uses scientific methods to study social influence, social perception and social interaction. Social psychology studies diverse subjects including group behavior, social perception, leadership, nonverbal behavior, conformity, aggression and prejudice.
    Experimental Psychology:
    Is one area of psychology that utilizes Scientific methods to research the mind and behavior.
    While students are often required to undergraduate and graduate school, experimental psychology uses human and animal as a samples to study different subjects. take experimental psychology courses during
     Developmental Psychology:
    Is a branch of psychology that looks at human growth and development over the lifespan. Theories often focus on the development of cognitive abilities, morality, social functioning, identity and other life areas.
    Individual Differences Psychology,
    Is a science study the difference between the behavior and characteristics between individuals, and the role of genetics and environment
    Title 2:Positive Psychology.
    from positive thinking to Positive evolved a Began as movement Americans of the president the Salaghman Martin by psychology . 199A psychologists of Association
    The important aspect of positive psychology it strengthens the strengths and lead to a protective role for those who live in good condition of psychological adjustment .how much it helps to suffer from the problems of
    compatibility to strengthen compatibility mechanisms.
    Clinical Psychology
    This Branch of Psychology is focused on the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders by case study, clinical interview and personals tests

    Educational Psychology
    Branch of psychology concerned with study of:
    1 how humans learn in educational settings.
    2. effectiveness of educational interventions.
    3 psychology of teaching.
    4 social psychology of schools as organizations.

    Counseling Psychology

    Focuses on providing therapeutic services to clients who experience a wide variety of symptoms. It is also one of the largest specialty areas within psychology. The Society of Psychology Counseling describes the a psychological specialty facilitates personal and interpersonal functioning across the life span with a focus on emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental and organizational field as concerns.
    . علم النفس المعرفي

    هو دراسة عمليات التفكير البشري والإدراك. 

    يدرس علماء النفس المعرفي مواضيع مثل الانتباه والذاكرة والإدراك واتخاذ القرار وحل المشكلات واكتساب اللغة. 

    علم النفس المدرسي

    هو فرع علم النفس الذي يعمل ضمن النظام التعليمي لمساعدة الأطفال في القضايا العاطفية والاجتماعية والأكاديمية
    هناك العديد من الفروع الأخرى لعلم النفس التي ترتبط بحياة الناس مثل:

     علم النفس الهندسي.
    . علم نفس المجتمع.
     علم النفس السياسي.
     علم نفس الفضاء 


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد مايو 19, 2024 5:47 pm